Drill Site and Road Construction
Drill Site and Road Construction- Our team has constructed many access roads and drill site locations since 2001. We work primarily for the national oil company in Trinidad. Our civil and mechanical engineers work closely with drilling companies ensuring specifications are in line with local regulations. We pride ourselves in guaranteeing our projects.
Drill Site- Our team has extensive experience in the preparation of Drill Sites. We have all the necessary equipment to level and excavate the location with bulldozers, graders, rollers and excavators. Concrete foundation/pads are built to specification to hold the drilling rig and additional equipment along with supervisory accommodation and material storage. Reserve and settling pits can also be included for the purpose water and drilling fluid (mud) discharges. Careful consideration is always given to buried pipelines and utilities.
Road Construction- The majority of road construction projects are typically done in conjunction with drill site locations. We construct roads to meet the needs of our customers ranging from temporary (gravel surface) to permanent installations (asphalt and concrete).